- 1. General Information
- 2. Flavour
- 3. Style & Tone of Voice
- 4. Text Reduction
- 5. Interjections
- 6. Consistency
- 7. Special Content
- 8. Special Formatting
- 9. Language-specific Items
- 10. Terminology
- 11. Notation Tags
- 12. Transcription Specifics
- 13. Subtitles Specifics
- 14. Useful Tools
- 15. Reminders
1. General Information
2. Flavour
3. Style & Tone of Voice
4. Text Reduction
5. Interjections
6. Consistency
7. Special Content
8. Special Formatting
9. Language-specific Items
10. Terminology
11. Notation Tags
12. Transcription Specifics
13. Subtitles Specifics
14. Useful Tools